COMP90041 Tutorials 2020SEM1
The tutorial-material repository is prepared for Programming and Software Development COMP90041 at The University of Melbourne By @Yuhao Song
Google Drive Link: recordings
Notice: You need to log in with your Unimelb Account
Moreover, the lab2 and lab4 recording are missing, please email me if you need them and I will do the re-record, otherwise the re-recording will be made available by August.
End of Sem Survey
Feedback is important for us, please help use improve!
If you havn’t done it yet, please take 5mins to finish the survey
- Tutorial handout
- Tutorial slides
- Solution written by me (not official answer from the Uni)
- Demo code for important points
- Tue(11) 14:15-15:15 (Melbourne Time)
- Tue(07) 16:15-17.15 (Melbourne Time)
Lab | Topic | Date |
1 | Admin & Introduction | March 10 |
2 | Console I/O | March 17 |
3 | Flow of Control | March 31 |
4 | Class I | April 21 |
5 | Class II | April 28 |
6 | Arrays | May 05 |
7 | Inheritance | May 12 |
8 | Polymorphism, Abstract Classes, Interfaces | May 19 |
9 | Exceptions | May 26 |
10 | Knowledge You Need for Final Project | Jun 02 |
Project | Topic | Date |
1 | Project A | March 31 |
2 | Project B | April 28 |
3 | Project C | May 19 |
4 | Final Project | Jun 02 |